Monday, October 26, 2009

What is a Virtual Tour? Last Chance Rescue to Find Out!

I've teamed up with Goddess Fish Promotions to conduct a 'virtual tour' to promote "Last Chance Rescue."

So, what is a virtual tour? (I knew you'd ask; I had to, too!)

Here's the gist: there are web sites and blogs that pertain to writing and/or romance novels (or other types of writing) that NEED content. Goddess Fish has a stable of 40 or 50 sites (maybe more) that are looking for content.

So they 'pitch' me and my book to their stable of affiliates. Hosts that decide I'd be of interest to their readership can 'commit' me to a specific date. They send me their topic questions (I complete the responses ahead of time) and then on the appointed date, they 'interview' me using their questions and the answers I've provided. Their visitors/participants make comments, etc, which I can then log into and comment on - like having a discussion via the Internet.

The official dates of the tour are November 9-20, but I'm finding out that the work required doesn't only happen within those dates! So far I have four 'tour stops' and have completed three written 'interview responses.' I'll share some of these as we go, so watch this blog for more details...

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