Friday, February 20, 2009

Spiral fracture of left tibia

That was the ER doc's diagnosis for my son (6) last Sunday evening. We (family minus our toddler daughter) had just spent 3 really enjoyable days downhill skiing in Lutsen (MN). My son Nathan was going gangbusters. (It's so amazing when your kids start to excel at something.) We had just skied an intermediate tree run called "Molly's Folly" - a run that made ME nervous (it was icy and there was only one track to follow), even after 20 years of skiing - when it happened.

It always happens on the flats. In the tough stuff you're focussed, but you let you guard down near the bottom of the hill and WHAM! The snow monster gets ya. It's so hard to see your kid(s) in pain!

So there was no writing for me this week. Nathan was home for three days (and my daughter for two). It's like having TWO toddlers - you gotta do everything for each of them. It's downright exhausting. Eventually Nathan will get good with the crutches (right now it's a wheelchair, and will be for school for awhile) and it will get better. But right now, tonight, I am mentally too tired to work on anything creative.

Until next time...

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